Summer's still here, and we've been busy.
For the 4th of July we mooched off a nearby town, Park City, again this year. They have a great parade...they throw tons of candy.

Almost too much for one person to carry. We still have most of that candy.

After the parade they have an ice cream social. Among other things, there were pony rides and a train ride for the kids.

This "train" was pulled by some old guy driving a riding lawnmower.

We had planned to return to Park City for the night's entertainment and fireworks, but the evening events were rained out. We had to resort to our own fireworks, but had plenty of fun. Contrary to what the photo may suggest, Desmond did not get to light the fireworks.
We've only been camping once this year so far. We decided to go for a short trip. Mostly we wanted to go for a test run. We wanted to see how everything went with the kids, and whether or not D and E were good campers. It's been very hot here, so we also wanted to limit our exposure to the heat. We timed our trip so that we would arrive late, after it had started to cool down a bit. And we made plans to leave relatively early the next day, before the heat really came on for the day.

We got to the park just in time for a sunset swim. Afterward we had fun doing all of the typical camping stuff. The next morning after breakfast we packed up and went for one more swim at the beach before heading out.

There was a disgusting amount of goose poop on the beach. We spent quite a bit of time clearing an area for us to use poop-free. It was really pretty gross, but once we had extended the poop perimeter it was alright.
For Pop's birthday we got to go to Kansas City for some fun including a Royals game.

The Royals are not doing very well this year, and the got beat that night too, but it was still fun.

Pops built a fire pit for roasting marshmallows.

Diamond D has taken to relaxing in the sun.
He also got a design in his fade.

Emma has been riding her bike. She has all the accessories.

Desmond has been riding motorcycles with Pops...even on the "big boy" tracks.

We made a trip to Nebraska to make new friends. We visited Mark, Tracy and their family. The kids became fast friends, and seemed to have a good time playing with each other. We got to lots of fun stuff, but I think just being on the farm was fun for our kids.
We made another trip to Nebraska for Uncle Justin's birthday. It was fun playing with Cousin Kayden too.

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